Please be aware of some other great changes that have been added to the website. You can toggle back and fourth threw many different helpful websites. On our home page you can now access the Valencia High School home page. Added to our home page is a button for ELA tutoring. Don't let your student fall behind, this is great and free to all students. The end of year grade does make a difference with the upcoming sport year for your child. Please take advantage of this free help.
All ticket sales will be sold online ONLY. Again on our website you can find the link to order tickets under the Ticket Purchase page, added to the Bulletin Board page is a Sports Schedule button. This button take you to the VHS Sports Calendar. Also at the bottom of the Bulletin Board page is another button to get the information for the online tutoring.
A few other things have been added just for fun & useless information. On the Game Schedule page you can find a counter to the beginning of the this upcoming school year. I don't know about you guys but we are very excited to kick off this next school year. GO JAGS!!!